Photo 1
Photo 3
Photo 2
Photo 4

Photo 1-3 shows the Komet seal bar on the left next to opposition seal bars

Komet machines Opposition machines
Power transmission from contact points to elements via a 16mm solid copper bar, elements directly connected to copper bar Power transmission from contact points via mild steel plate to 2.5mm2

copper wire to plastic housing with thin steel plate to elements

Elements are silver plated for better heat transfer to seal bag, better cooling for elements. Elements last longer Standard ribbon elements with no cooling properties
Seal bar consists of 7 parts  Seal bar consists of 41 parts. (Photo 4)
On double chamber machines seal cylinders are used: more hygienic, constant seal pressure at all levels of vacuum, less parts in the lid of the machine Seal bellows are used: lots of parts that pick up dirt, sealing pressure is influenced by degree of vacuum in chamber
Lid is balanced by counterweight: no parts that can wear out or become unbalanced, easy closing of lid Lid is balanced by large springs that stretch causing lid distortion and creates difficulty when operating
Lid seal profile is 3 x higher that won’t damage when compressed Low profile lid seal that damages faster when compressed
Table top lid hinges are stainless steel on plastic with 250mm2 working area Lid hinges are steel on steel with 9.6mm2 working area
Aluminium valve block Plastic valve block
Fans fitted in machines for cooling when working hard No fans for cooling
Service program on all machines to rid pumps of moisture Warm up cycle only on some models
Access covers on all sides of machine to make servicing easy, table top machines open up completely by tilting the top Only 2 or 3 covers on double chamber machines and only one cover on single chamber and table top machines